Toph Bei Fong from Avatar, she is so far my favorite character i ever met, in terms of every aspects.

Despite the girlish look here in one episode o Avatar:The Last Airbender Toph portray, she has a tomboyish character. Though, she is blind, she stands up on her own feet and defeat numerous character

She have a lot of unique expressions and stances which is design for her. Also, a special fighting style adapted from real martial arts : Chu Gar Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu. Making her even more unique. She also have her own unique attitude problem! LoL....
Beside that, the designer makes her lexpress like a kid at times which is totally different from her characteristic, yet it make sense to it too, she is just a little girl, which will feel sad and happy and show it out without hiding, no matter how strong she is.
Somehow, i just got attached and feel for Toph and i find this character is amazing and i love her a lot throughout the series. Also, i also enjoy seeing her in her show using her kung fu earthbending and fighting scene. She look cute too especially when she wear a dress as normally she is a tomboy who act like a boy.

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