Friday, September 26, 2008

The original Mashimaro cartoons are full of toilet humour, and some of this is also to be found in the merchandise. Mashimaro himself is often portrayed with a plunger stuck to his head. In contrast to other hyper-cute iconic characters, such as Hello Kitty, Mashimaro is portrayed as a bit of a thug, who is not above using violence to impose his will on others.
Mashimaro (마시마로) is a Korean fictional character who resembles a fat rabbit, created by Kim Jae In (김재인).
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Compostition for T-shirt Design

Basically a very a-symmetrical triangle at the btm and balanced by the monster held by the girl.Heh. Anyway, for those who don't know the concept. Should be able to understand after seeing this picture. Hehe.
A summery of things left to do:
1. Ghost's design
2. Girl hair design
3. Color
4. Illustration
5. T-shirt color
6. Submit
7. Sit down and relax
PS: correct me if i am wrong, or i missed out something!
So Cool
Something you would never dreamt of
South African couple killed after being hit by train while having sex
A South African couple died after being hit by a freight train while having sexual intercourse on railroad tracks. The couple, who are yet to be identified, were having intercourse on the tracks in the Mpumalanga Province of the African country. The engineer yelled warnings at the couple to move, but according to him, they ignored them. South Africa’s national freight railway is called Transnet.
The man, in his thirties, was dismembered and died at the scene. The woman, in her twenties, was transported to a local hospital but later died from her injures.
An investigation is taking place to determine if the woman was being raped or if she was having intercourse out of her own free will. One witness stated that she may have been a prostitute.
Information from MND
LOL. This is so funny. What is happening to the world?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Build A Bear Workshop - Create Own Bear

I think letting the consumer to customise their own product has a very good market, i think any product even like bags and shoes already exist. This is because it lets the user to have their own distinct product while they pay the same price as others. One of the example similar to our idea is Build-The -Bear-Workshop.

The artist is very smart to create a very simple looking tintin(main character) while others character look more complicated. This will make us focus on tintin as he is simpler and humans tend to look at simple stuffs. Brillant.
Metoyou Bear

Wiki says:
" Tatty Teddy (also known as Me To You Bears) is the brand name of a collection of teddy bears made by the Carte Blanche Greetings Ltd. They are often found in Clintons Cards. They were first created in 1987 and appeared in their current guise in 1995. A number of products are available related to Tatty Teddys including teddies, figurines, cards, rugs,mugs and wedding accessories. The bears even have their own fanlisting site where 'owners' can sign up for the latest news about them. "
Tatty Teddy is quite a successful merchandise brand because it has a strong story that touches other people's heart. Hope we can learn alot from them :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
paper critiers

An online web application for creating and sharing paper toys in 3D. Create your own with the "toy creator" or go to " the colony" for an interactive gallery experience.
Damm cool, i love it.
T-shirt design competition
The theme will be “characters” in any sort of setting. Now we are looking for full-blown original characters. No known characters such as Snoopy or Batman, keep it original!
Now I’ll get to the stuff you guys really care about. We’ll select 3 winners, each will receive 1500 Euros plus a “goodie bag” of vinyl toys from VinyAbuse. The winning designs will each be printed in limited runs of 500 and one lucky winner will be selected for a VinylAbuse feature/interview.
You can submit as many times as you like but keep in mind that we’ll be screening the submissions for quality. You can also contact me anytime if you are looking for some feedback before submitting, but be prepared I’ll actually tell you what I think.
-"Characters" is the theme (your own original characters)
-Submissions open September 15th-29th here on laFraise EU
-3 winners, all at 1500 Euros a goodie bag of vinyl toys
Have fun!!
Information taken from vinylabuse. Please visit vinylabuse for more details.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Toph Bei Fong (北方 托芙) , Avatar the Last Airbender
Toph Bei Fong from Avatar, she is so far my favorite character i ever met, in terms of every aspects.

Despite the girlish look here in one episode o Avatar:The Last Airbender Toph portray, she has a tomboyish character. Though, she is blind, she stands up on her own feet and defeat numerous character

She have a lot of unique expressions and stances which is design for her. Also, a special fighting style adapted from real martial arts : Chu Gar Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu. Making her even more unique. She also have her own unique attitude problem! LoL....
Beside that, the designer makes her lexpress like a kid at times which is totally different from her characteristic, yet it make sense to it too, she is just a little girl, which will feel sad and happy and show it out without hiding, no matter how strong she is.
Somehow, i just got attached and feel for Toph and i find this character is amazing and i love her a lot throughout the series. Also, i also enjoy seeing her in her show using her kung fu earthbending and fighting scene. She look cute too especially when she wear a dress as normally she is a tomboy who act like a boy.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wow. you guys are great. haha. Our character is quite developed in some sense. We got a few ideas here and there. And its only a matter of us sitting down together and make that final decision.
Haha. For mii, i will touch on the background part. The location maybe? haha. after looking through jaime's sketchbook, i m sort of inspired to make our beloved school into a devastated graveyards where it is infested with ghost. I visualise something like this

Artwork by nanospore
Something gay:
But will make it dark and destroyed. lol. And i was thinking of having funny grafitti on the half broken walls. Something like this


Ignore the China Culture Style and focus on the personality of Pucca. I agree with guo dong very much that making our character something which is not 100% human and do something which normal girl doesn't do. This makes the innocent and weak little girl appearance become insane? and strong? as her personality, which i think is very similar to Pucca.
Appears to be weak but is strong in reality, even her friend who seemed big and strong needs her protection when they are troubles. I think this is similar between us and Pucca.
However, Pucca is innocent or i can call it ignorant that she don't have many emotions, like she don't cry.What she does is repetitive, she is happy when she got to kiss Garu and she is angry when Garu is being bullied. But if our little girl have a fabulous set of expressions and also lots and lots of emotions, i think that is more innocent. Not being emo-girl but a girl who express her feelings freely without hiding it.
I would say Pucca is one she only do what she likes, which is protect Garu the main character. However, our girl character should be rich in emotion, simple girl, who cry, shout, angry ,happy and depressed when she feels like.
At times i would say she is crazy and insane. Doing something human cnt do or even a normal girl won't do. I think we got a similar idea what she should behave and whats her personality like.
I think she is similar i would say to GD Amelia too, and i agree with GD. :D
A girl.

Amelie, an innocent and naive girl in Paris, with her own sense of justice, decides to help those around her and along the way, discovers love
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tim Burton?!?!?

Are our style similar to Tim Burton? Perhaps i think we can stop worrying about the character style because we are moving towards 'toys' design which mainly feature asian designer style rather than his one.
However, i think Jav pointed out that 'Midnight Factory' overall feeling is similar towards Charlie and Chocolate Factory due to 'Factory'. Not only that, i think it is also similar to Nightmare before christmas due to 'Night', the dark feeling. I think presently our storyline is yet confirm and style and colours we are using are not mentioned yet.
What is the feeling our Midnight Factory going to give others? What is the style we are adapting? What are the art direction? What is the unique concept (eg. Doraemon, can find many things in his pocket) that will attracts others?
At this point, we are pretty clueless about all these questions and it is still early to confirm. Maybe we can start from finding mood boards? from movies or artwork from various artist. I think this really helps because we have different visuals in our head of our midnight factory.

Sunday, September 14, 2008
the dynamic duos
Like doremon and da xiong, pikachu and ash, clavin and hobbies, pinky and brain and many more...
This is certainly the safest route as one is retard while the other is the brainy. PPl will certainly like one of them...
Ours.. the gal and the BFG?
hahaha, sorry too tired guys. Will continue the story tomoro.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Mid Night Factory - One Concept Many Stories.
Midnight Factory is facing it problems due to the shortage of ideas and manpower. Furthermore, Midnight Factory is losing many customer as these problem arise, it might even result in closure. The boss of productions Big Fat Giant, lets call it Fat Boss for now, begins to worry and starts to travel to find new toys and product concept. However, the main goal of his is to recruit as many 'talented' ghost as possible. ''Fat Boss is offering lots of cash and gold in exchange for all 'talents' services. Or else fans of Midnight Factory must be feeling sad seeing their favorite toy and product manufacturer closing down. T.T'' Hence, Fat Boss leave his current crew member and went out to expand his crew. Thus, his journey begins....... BFG / Fat Boss is no longer the musician which lead the children to the factory in this case, but the boss who went out of his comfortable office chair to save his Midnight Factory from being closing down by recruting talen
However i think we can create another character who is a muscian or a band of characters making a 'orchestra??'. An little idea of mind is that they can act as an alarm clock as they play their guitar and blow their trumpets to wake the children up. As the adults would be deep in sleep and only cute innocent kids can hear the music.
One more little idea is the children we can name it GD, Andy , Javian and Zayne. Which are all our names. Making even us in the storyline. ^.^
As i feel that Midnight Factory should be strictly restricted from outsider, just like the Charlie and Chocolate Factory, while every kids dream to go in to see the toyland.
Story 2
Sitting on the bench seeing the sunset, little girl 'May' (lets call her this for now) wonders where is Midnight Factory located at. However, whenever she suggest to begins a journey, her teachers and her daddy and mummy will say 'thats nonsense, stop dreaming May'. She felt very sad and depressed.
" To be able to go into the midnight factory has become the dream of all kids. Thus, alot of them had tried to venture to it but could never find it. A girl name 'insert name', had a dream. It was to go into the midnight factory and become a member there. She tried to gather as much information as possible and thus begun her journey to find this midnight factory. " - Javian's Story.
However, May went out to the dangerous and ugly world meeting many friends ( most are our toy's concept? ) who help her through the difficult journey.
possibilities making the storyline interesting
1) May might not be a normal girl, she might have certain power or certain talent or she might be a robot in disguise whereby she don't even know herself. I think its even better she is even the main concept in MidNight Factory, something like Claymore, a failed experiment. She is design as a robot who befriend with normal human .Her main Hence, this is also the reason why her family against her when she wanted to start the journey.
I think May as a normal girl is pretty boring, there must be something unique in her to be out main character. Just a little opinion of mine. :D
Crossover of Stories
We can crossover story 1 and story 2 after several episode, by making the Fat Boss meeting May.
If we uses the concept of May is a half human robot who is make in MidNight Factory, there can be more story towards it.
Fat Boss might start his adventure with his recruited members to pursue May, making Fat Boss as a villian in the story. Hence, toys who are evil and horror humour can be under him.
The reason might be being May was stolen years ago as she might destroy the world with her destrustive power?? or maybe she was stolen by the Midnight Factory rival?? but let not complicate the storyline. :D
While May and her friends started to run away from the clutch of Fat Boss, but she still want to go to Midnight Factory to find out who is she? The design of her friends under her can be innocent cute powerless yet they are the good toys??
I think circus and even orchestra toy band is a good concept and it can also be use as a story, but we need to package our story and plan it. There can be also trival story like the crew in Midnight Factory start partying after Fat Boss left the Factory!
Comments on the story thus far...
reading the story by zayne reminds mii of miyazaki's spirited away.
Then reading GD de reminds mii of snow queen or dunno wat piper de. lol cartoons!
I think this is a great start for us because its like setting a scenario of how we look lyk.
But however i feel that the story doesn't really can capture other people attention. the setting somehow lack content in some sense.
Maybe we could make it become something of an adventure which will make people more interested in this like next episode or something.
From what i visualise from guodong story. it feels as if its the end of the story. ya. just toys. yup. finish.
I got an idea which is super unrefined. Here it goes
" To be able to go into the midnight factory has become the dream of all kids. Thus, alot of them had tried to venture to it but could never find it. A girl name 'insert name', had a dream. It was to go into the midnight factory and become a member there. She tried to gather as much information as possible and thus begun her journey to find this midnight factory. "
Throughout her journey she met many people and been in many situation and guadually she know what is the true meaning of midnight factory and the goals of midnight factory. bla bla bla.
Then the adventures in her journey can be as much as possible, as wacky as possible, as unique as possible, anything is possible ^^
Friday, September 12, 2008
just another source whereby designers post their work on it :D
Some designer's blog.
midnight factory story 2
The clock struck 12 again... as the big fat giant (BFG) drag his fat body to town again...

"Make way for the very special guy!" he roar. Boys and girls of every age. Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
He started blowing his trumpets of magical music and every kids soul start to wake up. BFG is a friendly giant where every midnight, he will led kids soul to his fantasy factory call midnight factory to party.
Kids soul start to float around and will be attract to his lovely music as he roam around the town. Come with us and you will see this, our town of Midnight factory!
Kids starting singing and making merry as they follow the BFG back to his midnight factory. Building start turning into bass speakers and boom boom awaking all kids to led them to the midnight factory. Of course, only the innocent and pure-heart could hear the music hence adults will be snoring and sleeping like pigs. Vending machhines becomes percusions and everything is creating music.
Yup, me (guo dong) is also a pure heart and innocent kid hence i am invited to this wonderful land of midnight factory, heeheehee.
Upon reaching midnight factory, kids start to create their own toys. They are able to use the imagination to create lovely toys that no one have ever dream. It is our factory, they cried. Hahaha, this is the factory where all kids are able to create their own toys and have fun.
Where imagination meet reality. =)
( or whatever corny and disguisting message you can think of)
Story inspired from This is Halloween from Tim Burton's The Nightmare.
Thanks! hope you all like it and please comments. Btw, this is suppose to be a happy story.